Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey

Sons of the Revolution New Jersey Organized: 1891
Incorporated: 1923
The Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey was organized as a patriotic and historical organization to promote knowledge and appreciation of the achievement of American independence. The Society is a New Jersey nonprofit corporation and tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
We are always interested in new members. If your family can trace your family history back to a soldier or colonial government official who fought in the American Revolution, we would be excited to speak with you about becoming a member.
Contact Us

The Society is always looking for new members who are qualified and share our passion for history.
If you are interested in joining, please click here for a list of qualifications for Membership.
We have an extensive database of historical information that we can use to assist in your search to find patriot ancestors who were used to qualify other members.
Jean Keib Gerome Ferris, Washington's March Through the Jerseys, ca.1906 Oil on canvas. Private Collection
New Jersey Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Abraham Clark American Politician

John Hart Farmer Hunterdon County

Francis Hopkinson Bordentown

Richard Stockton

John Witherspoon President of Princeton University
Chronology of Events in New Jersey
New Jersey played a major role in the American Revolution. In fact, the Battles of Trenton and Princeton were turning points in the war.

May 10
2nd Continental Congress opens in Philadelphia
Jun 19
Royal Governor Franklin arrested at Proprietary House, Perth Amboy
Jun 21
NJ Provincial Congress at Burlington votes 53-3 to break ties with Great Britain, Burlington
Jul 1
Washington's troops construct Fort Lee in NJ and Fort Washington in NY
Jul 4
Continental Congress approves Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia
Nov 16
Fort Washington falls to the British, and Washington evacuates Fort Lee
Nov 20
Washington leads 2,000 troops from Fort Lee across Hackensack River to New Bridge Landing & Steuben House
Nov 23 - Dec 3
Washington continues to retreat passing through Princeton on way to Delaware River
Dec 7-8
Washington and troops cross Delaware River. British and Hessians reach Princeton and Trenton
Dec 13
General Lee is captured by British in Basking Ridge
Dec 25
The night of December 25, Washington and 2,400 troops cross Delaware River landing at Johnson's Ferry Washington Crossing State Park
Dec 26
Predawn - American army marches to Trenton, surprising Hessians in the attack at the Old Barracks, Trenton
Jan 1
Lord Cornwallis takes command of the British Army in Princeton
Jan 2
Battle of Trenton with heavy fighting along Assunpink, Trenton
Jan 3
Battle of Princeton - Washington strikes the British rear at Princeton, Americans defeat a small British force
Jan 6 - May 28
Washington's troops spend winter at Morristown
Sep 26
British take Philadelphia September to October Washington builds up defenses at Red Bank on lower Delaware River
Oct 22
Americans defeat attacking Hessian troops, then abandon Fort Mercer
Nov 15
British take Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania
Washington and 12,000 troops survive bitter winter at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
Mar 21
British and Loyalist troops raid Hancock's Bridge, American troops die at Hancock House massacre
Jun 28
Critical American victory at Battle of Monmouth
Dec 11
Washington sets up headquarters in Wallace House, troops spend winter in Watchung Mountains in Middlebrook
Aug 19
Major Henry Lee attacks the British fort at Paulus Hook (Jersey City)
Oct 28
British Major John Simcoe leads raid through Elizabethtown to Bound Brook and Somerset Courthouse, Millstone
Dec 1
Washington moves his army into winter quarters at Morristown for the most severe winter of the century
Jun 7 - 23
Battle of Springfield/invasion of Elizabethtown and Springfield
July 1 - 8
Washington establishes headquarters at Dey Mansion, Wayne
Jun 30
Congress abandons Independence Hall in Philadelphia and reconvenes at Nassau Hall in Princeton
Aug 23
George and Martha Washington arrive at Rockingham
Sep 3
America and Britain sign the Peace Treaty in Paris, France
Nov 2
Washington writes Farewell Address at Rockingham

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An 1848 painting by American artist William T. Ranney is titled “Washington Rallying the Americans at the Battle of Princeton.” (Photo: Princeton University Art Museum/Princeton Battlefield Society)